Our office will be closed from Friday 20 December, reopening Monday 13 January.

Waikato Land Surveying Services:
Planning - Resource Consents

444 Tristram Street, Hamilton

How Rad Surveying assists with resource consents

Completing a subdivision successfully means knowing the District and Regional plans thoroughly, understanding where the risks lie, knowing what information Council will want and knowing what experts to involve.

Coordinating all that information at the start of a project is what we do to obtain subdivision and land use consents for our client projects.

We liaise with District Council’s, Regional Council’s, Iwi, NZTA, Heritage New Zealand and we know what experts to involve and when (for example stormwater engineers, geotechnical engineers, ecological assessors).

We can take the lead during the consenting period to coordinate a thorough but pragmatic application to Council.

Need assistance with planning resource consents? Our expert land surveyors are here to help.